365 prides itself in having the best selection of booze, in Kemang. It also has some excellent DJs and some interesting events, in particular the newly introduced dub-step nights on Thursday that are worth checking out. It's very difficult to exist in Kemang's overcrowded nightlife and 365 just managed to do that by daring to be a little more original than most of the other places. This is the reason why I put it among my favourite Kemang clubs.
Update April 2011: I just revisited 365 and again, I loved it. Very friendly staff, excellent music and a beautiful, young crowd. One of the best bars in Jakarta.
You can get all the information you need about their events and parties here:
Facebook: 365 Eco Bar
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/365ecobar
Website: http://ecobar.co.id/
Contact details:Update April 2011: I just revisited 365 and again, I loved it. Very friendly staff, excellent music and a beautiful, young crowd. One of the best bars in Jakarta.
You can get all the information you need about their events and parties here:
Facebook: 365 Eco Bar
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/365ecobar
Website: http://ecobar.co.id/
365 Eco Bar Jakarta
Aksara Kemang parking lot
Jl. Kemang Raya, no. 8B.
Phone Number: +62-21 7191032
Email: info@ecobar.co.id
More photos from Martin (http://martinarcher.typepad.com/):

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