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What Do Indonesian Girls Look Like?

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 22 April 2010 | 13.23

Some of the readers of this blog have never been to Indonesia. They are preparing a business trip or an expatriation here and they wonder about the nightlife in Jakarta. Surprisingly, the first question men ask me usually before arriving is not about their housing, their kid's school or the number of medical facilities.

No, the question I get the most is this one: "Are the Indonesian girls pretty?"

Western people can rarely differentiate two Asian girls: Ask anybody in Europe what is the difference between a Thai girl and a Korean girl, I bet you they will not be able to answer that. Yet, after many years spent in Indonesia, I can proudly say that I will recognize an Indonesian girl very easily, and if I'm wrong it will mean the girl is from Malaysia.

Malay-Indo girls are very different from other Asian girls: Apart from the long black hair and the tiny body, they are easy to recognize for many reasons that are hard to explain: It's a combination of different elements, but to sum up, I would say that on average Indonesian girls have a darker skin, larger eyes, thicker eyebrows, a small nose and a fantastic smile.

There are different kind of Indonesian girls of course, and I will give an example of the most typical girls you have a good chance to meet:

The Jilbab girl: (Photo Credit: Rikie Rizza)
Except in Jakarta and in Christian or Hindu areas, the Jilbab is a very common sight in Indonesia. If you go in the country's provinces, at least 1/3rd of the girls will use one. There, girls usually hide skin from their bodies too by wearing jeans and long sleeves shirts. The jilbab is coulorful most of the time, but do not let us see any hair.

In Jakarta, girls are more liberal. The typical middle class girl is 1m60, slim but not skinny, and she wears jeans + a T-shirt that covers a shoulders. Since there are so many counterfeit products, it is not surprising to see girls carrying a Louis Vuitton. In malls like Mangga Dua Square or in the buses, you will see a lot of them, looking simple, but pretty (Photo Credit: Moriza):

In the bars and nightclubs, there are a few broad types of girls:

The fashionistas/models/selebriti/socialites and all the girls who wish they were like them. You will meet them in X2 or Dragonfly. Many are half Chinese or mixed expat/indo, and you will see their skin is whiter than other Indonesian girls. The great thing with Jakarta is that you actually have a window of opportunity to date models and actresses, even if you are a very average man. Many reasons can explain why Indonesian girls like so much being with expats, but one thing is sure, if you are decent looking, you stand a chance with everyone in Jakarta. Those girls may look like these:

You also have in this category the upper class clubbing girl: Very sexy but never trashy, perfect make-up and hairdo (Photo Credit: Thanks John)

The bargirls are different in the South (Blok M and the 5-stars hotels bar) and the North (Stadium, etc): In the South, they are trying a bit too hard to be sexy and they tend to show off with expensive accessories their boyfriends bought them. It will sound like a cliché but it's true: 90% of them smoke Menthol cigarettes. In the north, they often have a black (or at least a unicolor) mini-skirt, whitening cream on the face, and maybe a Nokia on their hands.

That would be mean to put some photos of girls here and imply they are prostitutes so I will let you imagine the picture. For the skirt, it's something like that (Photo Credit: Vabio Aurelio)

The Balinese girl, in my opinion, is a concept of its own: Balinese girls are very difficult to go out with compared to Javanese girls. They are not as sexy but they are exactly what we imagine the exotic girl is like (Photo Credit, for this photo plus the first one in the article: Sukandia).

The SPG (Sales Promotion Girl), and her friends the PR (Public Relations) and the GRO (Guest Relation Officer) are middle class, very cute girls who use their charms to promote whatever they are paid to promote (Photo Credit: Basi Banget):

At last, the Party Girl, especially in Jakarta, is a fun girl to hang out with, one you will not very long to fall in love with because she is beautiful and because she makes you feel alive:

Overall, girls in Indonesia are stunning and it's difficult not to fall in love quickly upon arrival. Actually I think this will be your main problem: Avoid falling in love too quickly, before you've got a clear understanding of how the relationships work in Indonesia.

I hope now you have a clearer idea of what do Indonesian girls look like. Of course each of them is unique, but I'm sure expats who've lived in Jakarta will agree that there is an Indo style.

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